This week in Washington, we had our Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) leadership team on Capitol Hill to raise the profile of TCIPG's revolutionary work to make the power grid more secure. From Urbana, we were joined by Professor Bill Sanders, Smart Grid Technologies' Al Valdes, Professor Peter Sauer, and the Information Trust Institute's Tim Yardley. Also attending this advocacy effort were TCIPG leaders and researchers from our three other partner universities: Dartmouth College, the University of California-Davis, and Washington State University. Over a day and a half time span, the consortium met with roughly 80 Hill staff from the four respective Congressional delegations. They also met with two key Committees: the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. During their meetings, they emphasized their collaboration with utilities, industry, and DOE National Laboratories, their education and outreach initiatives, as well as their leading-edge research.