In this Open Comment Period: Updates to Section 7.6 - The Purchasing Card and Section 15: Travel
The Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS) proposes to update policies and procedures related to the P-Card and T-Card. A synopsis of the proposed changes is listed below, along with PDF documents that include updated content. You will find the significant changes outlined with a red box.
Changes to Section 7.6 - The Purchasing Card
- Added to Prohibited Purchases: Tuition fees for employees and students, including graduate students.
- Added to Restricted Purchases: Use of the P-Card for conference fees is allowable only if there are no lodging expenses included in the cost.
- Updates to program administration hierarchy and roles.
- Added hyperlinks to the State of Illinois Sales Tax Exemption Letter and list of reciprocal exemption states.
- Revisions to duties outlined under UPAY Card Services Due Diligence.
Section 7.6 - The Purchasing Card - significant changes are outlined with red boxes.
Changes to Section 15: Travel
- Outlined documentation requirements to purchase premium transportation.
- Updates to program administration hierarchy and roles.
- Changes to the Restricted T-Card Purchases grid.
- Removal of "Conference registration" from the list of Prohibited T-Card Purchases.
Section 15 - Travel - significant changes are outlined with red boxes.
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