Please note that in addition to the policy, there is also a prospective update to the "Banner Fund, Program, Index Code Request" form. Please use the link at the bottom to view the form.
Before You Begin
Your campus OBFS executive officer and University Accounting and Financial Reporting (UAFR) must approve establishing an agency relationship before receiving the deposits of money owned by others and held by the University as an agent.
Acquaint yourself with the information in Policies for Managing Agency Funds.
As a non-University unit, the owner is not entitled to the privileges of University units.
To request approval for an agency fund:
- Confirm that the activity qualifies as an agency fund by consulting Determine the Need for an Agency Fund.
- Obtain your unit head’s approval to proceed with the request for an agency fund.
- Review agency fund limitations and owner responsibilities with the owner of the money (or a responsible member of the owning entity) as outlined in the Agency Fund Agreement of the Banner Fund, Program, Index Code Request form.
- Obtain the owner’s signature on the Agency Fund Agreement of the Banner Fund, Program, Index Code Request form.
- Verify that your unit is approved as a cash handling unit. If not, complete the steps in Obtain Approval as a Cash Handling Unit.
- Complete the Banner Fund, Program, Index Code Request form. Be sure to provide all the requested information on the three agency tabs:
- FPI Code Request
- Agency Fund Supplemental Info
- Agency Fund Agreement
UAFR will not process incomplete forms.
- Send the completed form to UAFR.
- UAFR reviews your request and forwards it to your campus OBFS executive officer for approval of the agency relationship.
- If the request is approved, UAFR establishes a fund code in Banner and notifies you.
- The fund cannot be in overdraft. Therefore, if the activity must pay for expenses before revenue is received, the owner must deposit enough money to cover those payments.
Forms Used in this Procedure
Banner Fund, Program, Index Code Request
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