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  • Open Comment Period: April 25 - May 9, 2014

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Comments Jul 29, 2016 10:38 am

Seems clear; I assume the "additional resources" will be hyperlinks. I concur that 30 days is a pipe dream, but I know that is out of university control. By the time we find out the disposal is needed, get the necessary data from IT, get around to submitting it (getting rid of stuff just isn't as important as payroll and grant proposals, sorry), submit it, get it approved in-house and by campus, get someone to come look at it, arrange for movers, and get the movers to come, you have to assume more than 30 days has passed.... Jul 29, 2016 10:37 am

Units must dispose of unneeded equipment within 30 days - How can we comply with this when it can take up to 3 months for Property Control to send someone to clear us to dispose of our transfer requests? Jul 29, 2016 10:37 am

Really don't notice too much of a change for our department other than wanting a better description on units - I.e. desktop etc. I wish we could see a faster turn around process and that all non-working computer items didn't still have to go to Surplus. I'm sure they are overwhelmed and it has slowed disposals campus wide. When will be ever get realistic about the $500 limit being too low? Most computer items are obsolete before we get them and almost all are over $500. Thanks.