If you need post-award assistance with a grant but do not know who in OBFS to contact, go to the Grant Contact Search!
The Grant Contact Search supports searching for grants managed at all three universities in the University of Illinois system.
While there is a full page version of the Grant Contact Search, the Grants and Contracts Offices in Urbana-Champaign and Chicago have now put this search feature right on their OBFS office home pages. This new location enables you to quickly find the search.
How to use it on the home pages:
- Go to either the Urbana-Champaign or Chicago Grants and Contracts Office website:
- On the right navigation bar you will find the Search form. Enter a grant code and click Search. The OBFS staff member managing the grant will be listed.
- Example on the Chicago page:
Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed.
- Example on Urbana-Champaign page:
This is an example of how our Grants and Contracts staff are trying to better support you by connecting you quickly with the person who can help.