Better to Serve YOU….
University Payroll & Benefits (UPB) has been diligently working on a new phone system to better serve our customers and improve their experience.
UPB management, Technology Services, and Business Solutions & Support, among many others, have been partnering to plan out the best features available to coordinate the execution of this phone solution. As a customer, you will find that some changes/features of our new phone system will better direct you & save you time.
New features include:
- Detailed menus to choose from that will get you to the proper response groups*
- Listen to FAQ’s while on hold
- A new Spanish menu & response group
- The option to select Call Back without losing your place in line
- The ability to leave a voicemail so we can research your questions and get back to you with answer
We are planning for the 4th quarter of 2016 for the implementation of the new system.
We are excited to share this new phone solution with our customers! Stay tuned!
*A response group is a team of experts trained to specialize in a particular topic related to payroll & benefits. By having dedicated response groups, your questions will get answered by the most qualified UPB representatives for that particular topic.