If you were offered limited health insurance coverage under the new RSL BasicCare Plan, and did not return an enrollment/waiver form, then you have been enrolled by default into employee-only coverage under the new limited health insurance plan, “RSL BasicCare.” Employees who defaulted into coverage will receive the information below via their University email address. If this applies to you, there is an opportunity for you to opt-out of this coverage between January 1 and 15, 2016 if you do not wish to remain enrolled.
Please review the RSL BasicCare Brochure and RSL Summary of Benefits and Coverage to determine if this limited insurance coverage is right for you. If you have questions about this new health plan, contact Mercer Health & Benefits Call Center at 1-888-201-2204.
Yes, I want to keep this coverage.
If you WANT to keep this new coverage, then you do not need to take any action. You will continue to be enrolled in employee-only coverage beginning January 1, 2016.
No, I do NOT want to keep this coverage.
If you DO NOT WANT this new coverage, there is a brief opt-out period from January 1 through January 15, 2016. During this timeframe, you can opt out of the coverage, and coverage will end as of February 1. If you do not opt out by the close of business on January 15, 2016, then coverage will be in effect for the year unless you experience a qualifying event, change employment status, or terminate employment.
How do I opt out of coverage?
To opt out, you must complete an enrollment/waiver form and return it to University Payroll and Benefits (UPB) no later than January 15. On the form, complete Section A, and in Section B, place an X in the row labeled “DECLINE COVERAGE” for each of the four plans. Because it is time-sensitive, FAX your completed form to UPB at 217-244-3135 or hand-deliver to:
- UIC – 1st Floor, 809 S. Marshfield Ave
- UIS – Room 85, Business Services Building
- UIUC – Room 177, Henry Administration Building
Why was I enrolled in this coverage?
In November, you were offered a new limited health insurance plan as a result of your employment with the University of Illinois. Due to recent healthcare reform changes resulting from the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and your status in a position that is not eligible for State of Illinois Group Insurance, you were eligible to elect insurance coverage through a new University benefit program called “RSL BasicCare”.
Because you did not respond with a completed enrollment/waiver form during the open enrollment period (November 18 – December 7), you were enrolled by default into employee-only coverage.
Where can I find more information?
For more information about the new insurance program, please see these resources:
Who can I contact with questions?
If you have questions about what is/is not covered under the new insurance, or need help completing the waiver form to opt-out, then please contact Mercer Health & Benefits Call Center at 1-888-201-2204.
Return completed forms by FAX to UPB at 217-244-3135. Call UPB at 217-333-3111 for assistance with returning the form.
For other questions, see contact information on the RSL BasicCare Program page on NESSIE.
The Essential Plan and BasicAdvantage Total Plan are not substitutes for comprehensive health insurance. This offer of insurance coverage is contingent on your continued employment and the university meeting minimum enrollment requirements set by Reliance Standard. In the event of differences between these communication materials and the official plan policies, the official plan policy documents will govern.