Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) provided the following announcent:
You may have heard that a recent change in Illinois law allows non-professional academic employees at a public or private school, college, or university (custodian, teacher’s aide, cafeteria worker, bus driver, security staff, clerical worker, etc.) to use their academic wages to establish unemployment benefits during the summer months and during vacation breaks and holidays this year. This change in the law is limited to March 15, 2020, through January 2, 2021.
Please note that this change in Illinois law does not apply to instructional, principally administrative, or research employees including but not limited to teaching, counselors, principals, vice principals, and deans (“professional academic employees”). Federal law does not allow professional academic employees unemployment benefits between terms or during vacation breaks or holidays when they have a contract or reasonable assurance of returning to their position when school resumes.
Questions regarding this announcement may be directed to your HR office or to IDES directly.