Control where your University of Illinois Fidelity 403(b) inheritance goes! Life changes, and so do your wants and needs. If something happens to you, make sure your beneficiary information reflects your current wishes.
How can I review and update my beneficiary(s)?
Log in or register as a new user to your Fidelity account to update your beneficiary(s):
- select Menu at the upper left corner of the page
- select Beneficiaries
Beneficiary designations previously made on a paper beneficiary designation form will remain in effect until you elect or change your designations through the online process.
If you cannot access your Fidelity account online, please call Fidelity at 800-343-0860 to review your beneficiary(s) on file or to request a paper form. Complete and mail paper forms directly to Fidelity at the address on the form.
Contact Fidelity at 800-343-0860 or University Payroll & Benefits (UPB) for assistance:
- Create a service ticket: UPB Service Portal
- Urbana: 217-265-6363
- Chicago: 312-996-7200
- Springfield: 217-206-7144